Bible Study


What does the Bible teach about Jesus?

Saint Patrick’s Anglican Church plant began our Bible Fellowship on July 11, 2013, with a study of Ray Stedman’s book, “Talking with my Father: Jesus Teaches on Prayer.” As we focused on John 17, (the TRUE LORD’S PRAYER) we saw how Jesus Prayed for us to continue to share in the LOVE that comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.   God’s divine strategy, we learned, is for all Christians to share one life in one great family, so that others will want the same relationship we have in Christ.

Stedman’s book ended with a clear call to witness,to make disciples to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world around us. Beginning Thursday evening, October 10, 2013, we  focused on “The Gospel according to St. Mark. “

Next we looked at the Letter to the Hebrews, to study the object of our Faith, Jesus Christ, the better Prophet, the better Priest, the better Temple, and the better Salvation that God has provided for our faith.

On March 31, 2016, we began a study of St. Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, which John Stott calls “the gospel of the Church, and to the Church.”   Ephesians sets forth God’s plan for a new society in Christ.  How should we live as believers?  Come and learn together with us at our Thursday evening Bible fellowship.

Our location each week is subject to change.  Call 610-212-5965 for details about our meetings.   We look forward to learning about God’s plan for us together.  Come share the joy of worship with us Thursday evenings, join us for a simple meal in Fellowship, and stay for our regular Bible study.  We have a seat waiting for you!

With His love,


Rev. Russ Buchanan